вторник, 18 сентября 2012 г.

STEP UP. - American Fitness

All You Need is Love

Thank you for the article 'How Fit is Your Love Life?' (May/June 1999) by James McClernan, Ed.D. I particularly like the small box labeled 'Excellence vs. Perfectionism.' I have always considered myself a perfectionist, but after reading this sidebar, I realized that perfectionism is not an asset.

I am doing a lot of soul searching, and this article answered many questions I had been pondering for a long time. I am sure to keep this piece within eyeshot for quite a while. In fact, I must have shared or given this article to at least four people I know.

Thank you for such a well-rounded and informative magazine. I am honored to be AFAA certified.

Barbara J. Ivey

Cheyenne, WY

Spreading the Word

To begin with, thank you for offering CEUs on the Pilates Method. When I read your editorial (May/June 1999) about 'teaching people to move as though their lives depend on it,' I knew that this letter was long overdue.

I am a fan of your forthright positions on the fitness industry. Reading American Fitness, your editorials in particular, has helped guide me in moving The Method[R] Certification into the mainstream.

Joan Breibart President, Physicalmind Institute[R] Santa Fe, NM 

Fit Future

As an advocate for health and wellness, I found Peg Jordan's editorial, 'Exercise Leaders--A Critical Support for the Health Industry' (May/June 1999), very inspiring. I have been a certified aerobics instructor through AFAA for three years and have found new meaning in fitness and exercise. It is more than a part-time job for extra cash. Because of my love and passion for teaching healthy living through group exercise classes, I have decided to go back to college at the age of 28 to earn my bachelor's degree in kinesiology.

I look forward to my future endeavors and am very excited about learning all I can so I may convey such information to many others in need of understanding how important health and wellness truly are. We definitely need to educate the public to develop healthier lifestyles.

Amy Metcalf

Wilkes-Barre, PA

Advertising in American Fitness Works!

I was very pleased with my ad in the July/August 1999 issue. American Fitness has really given my business a jump-start and I want you to know how grateful I am for all your help. I will be forever indebted. Thanks again for helping me make my business!

Terry Nelson TJ Productions Miami Springs, FL 

We Want to Hear From You

Send your comments, questions and suggestions via mail, phone, e-mail or fax. All submissions become the property of American Fitness and may be edited for space and/or clarity.

PHONE: Contact our offices toll-free at (800) 225-2322 or (818) 905-0040.

FAX: Readers may submit letters by fax at (818) 990-5468.

E-MAIL: For electronic submissions, please contact us at afaa@pop3.com

MAIL: Write to Peg Jordan, Editor, American Fitness, 15250 Ventura Blvd., Suite 200, Sherman Oaks, CA 91403.

INTERNET: Visit American Fitness online at http://www.afaa.com

CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Please provide address changes to American Fitness, 15250 Ventura Blvd., Suite 200, Sherman Oaks, CA 91403. Allow eight weeks to process a change of address, and please provide new and old addresses.3