понедельник, 17 сентября 2012 г.


For some months now, I've noticed that the tranquillity of lovelySherman Oaks has been polluted by a horrible squealing that I couldnot identify. Then I realized that the Republican recall rats wereon the loose again.

I had thought these obnoxious specimens had been sedated andcaged in a suitably remote area - the fastnesses of the highSierras, for instance - but, no, here they were again, trying topeddle their laughable idea that one of their verminous own shouldbe wedged into the governor's mansion in the place of duly electedGray Davis. It is impossible to believe Californians will be stupidenough to buy their shoddy goods.

- George H. Atkinson

Sherman Oaks

Can't do business

Re 'California is no place of business' (Viewpoint, May 11):

No man's land, liberty or fortune is safe while the CaliforniaLegislature or Los Angeles City Council is in session.

Solution: Do not re-elect anyone, and do not elect those who aretermed-out to other office. Let them try to find employment in theprivate sector at anywhere close to the inflated salaries andbenefits they were earning while in office.

- Gary Schechter

Woodland Hills

Snowball's chance

The Democrats should change their symbol from a mule to a cryingbaby because it appears that's the only thing they're any good at.Criticizing President Bush for his 'Top Gun-style' arrival aboardthe USS Abraham Lincoln is nothing more than an act of desperationfrom those who know their party doesn't have a snowball's chance ofwinning in 2004. Maybe it's just me, but I'd rather have a Top Gunpresident running the country than a president who used the WhiteHouse as his private brothel and then lied about it.

- Greg Garnet

Canoga Park

Keep looking

The George W. Bush administration can't find Osama bin Laden,Mullah Mohammed Omar, Saddam Hussein and his two sons, weapons ofmass destruction, the economy, prescription drugs, jobs or a taxbreak for the middle class. Even a blind chicken will find some cornnow and then.

- Jerry Pennington

Van Nuys

Have they forgotten?

The Democrats criticize the president for landing on the aircraftcarrier Lincoln to pay homage to our military for a job well done.His visit was well done. Have they forgotten all the numerouslandings on our aircraft carriers by the Democratic members ofCongress via military helicopters and their crews?

Have they forgotten all the visits (photo-ops) by these sameDemocrats to Vietnam, Panama, Kuwait, Afghanistan and now Iraq bymilitary aircraft and their crews to see how things are progressing?Have they forgotten that these visits required that they be guardedby dozens of our military personnel for their protection?

- Louis Thompson

Woodland Hills

More righteous

Re 'U.S.: Iran a growing nuclear danger' (May 8):

Iran a nuclear danger? Guess Iran is next, right? I wonder if theUnited States is considered a 'nuclear danger' to some in otherparts of the 'one world.' Of course we are bigger and morerighteous. And we do not have 'weapons of mass destruction' in anyof our arsenals? Duh.

Does it not scare anyone to think we just might have some glory-seeking, greedy, power-mad, loose cannons among us here in theUnited States?

- Willow Ross


Still, I worry

Well, 'Ol' What, Me Worry' is at it again. This time heunexpectedly landed his plane on an aircraft carrier. He got out ofthe cockpit with the same cocksure smile reflecting 'What, meworry?' How does he do it?

Maybe I shouldn't worry either. Then again, I do worry - aboutthe economy, unemployment and inflation. But these problems don'taffect me, except the cost of gasoline. I'm retired on a reliableretirement program. So maybe I shouldn't worry; yet I seem to beconcerned about my children's and grandchildren's financial future.But I've insured investments and earnings that should last into thefuture. But then again, I won't be here.

- Ronald Adler


Bill the employers

Re 'Immigrants blamed for health care fund drain' (May 12):

If illegal immigrants in Southern California use $350 million oftaxpayer-funded health care dollars meant for U.S. citizens, andimmigrant advocates want ID cards from foreign governments to beaccepted here to make life easier for illegals, then why not usethese foreign ID cards for health care coverage?

If a person here illegally wants health care, the person mustshow a foreign ID card and proof of employment in the United States,with Social Security number, address and employer's name. Healthcare providers will bill health care costs to their employers. Thatway, only the folks who employ illegals will be paying their healthcare costs, and we taxpayers will be relieved of this burden. Soundslike a win-win situation to me.

- Annie Caroline Schuler

West Hollywood

American jobs

The big lie: 'They' say that illegal immigrates take work thatAmericans won't. That is untrue. In the 1940s and '50s theimmigrants did field work. But now you can find them in all areas.They are in warehouses, driving trucks, in construction, gardening.I, along with many others, made a fair living in construction anddriving trucks before I worked my way into lower management indistribution.

- Don K. Snyder

La Canada

Free market

Re 'Gouging and guzzling' (May 3):

It's unfortunate the story quoted the speculations of a 'consumeradvocate' and an employee of a petroleum wholesaler on theirpersonal opinions on the subject, without reporting where thoseindividuals claimed to have obtained their information.

The reality is, according to the U.S. Energy InformationAdministration, the California Energy Commission and others, pricesrose earlier this year due to purely market forces, primarilybecause of the high cost of crude oil on the world market andseveral supply disruptions. Recently, market factors have drivenprices down. This is how a free, competitive market works.

Do gasoline prices generally tend to be higher in California thanin the rest of the country? The EIA and others say yes. Theyattribute the difference primarily to the higher cost of our uniquestate-mandated cleaner-burning gasoline, our isolation from otherU.S. sources of product supplies and the fact that Californians paythe third-highest taxes on gasoline in the country - more than 50cents per gallon.

- Joseph Sparano


Western States Petroleum Association

USA policy

Re 'What about Syria?' (Your Opinions, May 7):

Thank you, Harvey Dunn, for the structure. What country hasopenly trained, supplied and supported terrorists around the world?What country hasn't made peace with Afghanistan and its newlyconquered country Iraq even though it says all is under control?What democratic country has a leader who was not elected by themajority of its citizens, is isolated and helps Israel againstPalestine?

What country promised the world more than three years ago itwould reduce environmental damage it causes, but recently openly'unsigned' that promise? USA, USA, USA and USA. Stop USA policy inits tracks, and you place a stake in the heart of future terrorism.

- Jill Hughart


More and more

The seniors of this country had the best of all worlds: low houseprices and a chance to invest in stocks at a favorable price-to-earnings rate. Now all we can do is say gimme, gimme, gimme to theyoung working people. More Social Security, more Medicare pay forour prescriptions. For shame.

- Marian Norwalt

Los Angeles