понедельник, 17 сентября 2012 г.

COUNCIL DISTRICT 14 - Daily News (Los Angeles, CA)


Age: 42

Residence: Studio City

Occupation: Director of production at Trans-Cal Industries, whichmanufactures aircraft altitude reporting devices

Experience: 15 years' management experience in the entertainment,manufacturing, retail and customer service industries. Formerdirector of the Avid Service Division at Digital Editing Solutionsin North Hollywood, which provided equipment for films such as'Gladiator' and 'Blackhawk Down'; owner of Alchemy Paint & Drywallin Simi Valley

Web site/e-mail: johnforcitycouncil.com

Top issues: Schools, business taxes and police department


Age: 65

Residence: Studio City

Occupation: Painting contractor

Experience: 27 years' experience as gas station owner and 12years as a painting contractor; president of the Studio City Chamberof Commerce; member of the Board of Directors of the Studio CityResidents Association; co-founder of the Original Studio CityBeautification Association; past president of the United Chambers ofCommerce.

Web site/e-mail: jjhays(at)dslextreme.com

Top issues: Independent police department, police safety andindependent school district


Age: 29

Occupation: Marketing Executive

Experience: Not available

Residence: Sherman Oaks

Web site/e-mail: laroncehenderson(at)hotmail.com

Top issues: Not available


Age: 36

Residence: Sherman Oaks

Occupation: Chief of staff for Assemblyman Paul Koretz

Experience: 13 years' experience in business and government,including Prudential Health Care operations manager; countyInsurance Commission member; state Respiratory Board member; B'naiB'rith Southern California Public Policy Center chairman; ValleyCollege Foundation Board; CSUN Legislative Advisory Council member;immediate past chairman of the Valley Alliance for the JewishFederation's Community Relations Committee

Web site/e-mail: www.svonkin.com

Top issues: More government effectiveness and police on thestreets, environmental protection and advocate for keeping theStudio City Golf and Tennis Center as open space


Age: 68

Residence: Studio City

Occupation: Actor/broadcaster

Experience: 12 years' experience as a character actor and 27years experience as a broadcaster and talk show host and newscaster

Web site/e-mail: rrandyread(at)aol.com

Top issues: Eradicate street violence; gun control; and seniorhealth and housing


Age: 32

Residence: Sherman Oaks

Occupation: Tax attorney for the U.S. Department of Treasury,Office of Chief Counsel for the Internal Revenue Service in LosAngeles

Experience: Six years' experience as a tax attorney; adjunctprofessor at Golden Gate University School of Tax; law degree fromthe San Diego School of Law

Web site/e-mail: Slavett(at)prodigy.net

Top issues: Traffic, crime reduction, improved businessenvironment, Valley beautification, after-school programs and break-up of the Los Angeles Unified School District


Age: 57

Residence: Studio City

Occupation: Management consultant and educator

Experience: 30 years' experience in education and businessconsulting; doctoral studies in education and community development;member of Studio City Neighborhood Council Formation Committee;board member, Studio City Chamber of Commerce, Studio City ResidentsAssociation and Studio City Beautification Association

Web site/e-mail: www.voteforspikell.com

Top issues: Managed services, education, parking and trafficcongestion, local control and police protection