пятница, 14 сентября 2012 г.

PUBLIC FORUM - Daily News (Los Angeles, CA)

Missing element in Texas reforms

Re 'California needs more tort reform' (Letters, April 11):

The letter writer says that California needs to be more likeTexas because we are losing jobs and they are adding jobs. Accordingto the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, the Texasunemployment rate has gone from 4 percent three years ago to 8.2percent now. The Texas budget deficit is currently about the same asours on a per capita basis. If you move there because there is nostate income tax, you better be prepared for no Proposition 13either. Texas property tax rates are three or four times ours, withno limits for longtime owners. All this information is easilyobtained. Just Google it.


Lake View Terrace

Pleased with blood donations

Re 'Cop shot; suspect dead' (April 5):

The Providence Holy Cross Medical Center family would like toextend its deepest gratitude to those who came forward to donateblood in the name of Officer Steven Jenkins of the Los AngelesPolice Department, who was shot the morning of April 4. Nearly 400units of blood were donated in just three days by hundreds of lawenforcement officers from several agencies, by Providence employeesand by members of the community eager to do their part to honor aman who didn't hesitate to put his life on the line for all of us.

These priceless donations ensure blood will be available for allthe patients who come through Providence medical centers. It isgratifying to see a spark of light shine in such a tragic situation.We thank our donors and we pray for Officer Jenkins' continuedrecovery.


Mission Hills

The writer is chief executive of Providence Holy Cross MedicalCenter

Dodgers: Hire your own security

Re 'Dodgers team up for security' (April 9):

I am not happy that the Dodgers can use the Los Angeles PoliceDepartment for their security. We need these police officers on ourstreets for our safety. We have so few police officers now and toreduce their ranks is criminal. The Dodgers should hire their ownsecurity force; not use the ones we are paying for our security.



Choosing men over government

Re 'Last-minute deal averts shutdown' (April 9):

So much of the budget debate has to do with retaining women'shealth services. For years, women have been rejoicing in the factthat they are free from dependence on men. But now they're dependenton the government. What kind of freedom is that?

I liked the old way better. At least a man keeps you warm atnight.


Granada Hills

DWP cuts welcomed, needed

Re 'Utility to chop $440M' (April 6):

I am so happy to learn that Ron Nichols, general manager of theDepartment of Water and Power, has decided to deal with expenses bybringing in austerity measures. It's such a simple and sensiblething to do: Cut down all unwanted and uncalled-for expenditures.

I find that people who work for organizations (private orgovernment) have no loyalty and bear no pain for the veryestablishments from which they get their paycheck. If only peoplerealized this, then even the light of their cubicle would be turnedoff before leaving. Extravagantly using water, light and anything ina place of work is a sign of disloyalty and a who-cares attitude. Myregards to Nichols.



Grateful for informative column

Re 'Pay fines without any pain' (Kerry Cavanaugh, April 7):

Thanks to Kerry Cavanaugh for her informative column on howpoliticians are able to avoid paying ethics fines out of their ownpockets. No wonder few of them seem to have any compunctions aboutrepeatedly violating ethics standards. The fact that City CouncilPresident Eric Garcetti said he would cover his fines personallystepped him up a notch in my opinion of him.

I'll be waiting to see whether any real action is taken on therecommendations for righting 'an imperfect system' as suggested byJessica Levinson, a Loyola Law professor and political reformadvocate.


Sherman Oaks